Georgetown’s Cura Palestina: Caring for the Whole Palestine

Source: The Patriot Light | AWK Network | VIEW ORIGINAL POST ==>

Georgetown University Law Center abandoned the pretense of being a serious institution long ago—and keeps finding new ways to remind us. This is, after all, the same school that claims as an alum the brilliant legal mind hermetically sealed in Mazie Hirono’s noggin.

Georgetown is home to the Hoyas, a sprawling evergreen shrub with waxy, ornamental flowers. (And no, before you ask, there’s no known connection to the Bush family.) Hoyas are climbers, after all—which fits perfectly, considering the law school’s proximity to Capitol Hill. You’re bound to find more than a few social climbers lurking around. 

Lurk around and find out.

The school loves to tout its Jesuit tradition of Cura Personalis—Latin for “care of the whole person.” But lately, it seems that care extends primarily to convicted terrorists and their apologists, with Cura Palestina—care for the whole of Palestine—taking precedence over care for its Jewish students or basic moral clarity.

And recently, Georgetown decided its care should extend to hosting a convicted terrorist. Shocking? Hardly. This is just the next logical step in their downward spiral.

A Platform for Terrorism, Courtesy…

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The man known as Bunker is Patriosity's Senior Editor in charge of content curation, conspiracy validation, repudiation of all things "woke", armed security, general housekeeping, and wine cellar maintenance.

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