I’ve said it before: America’s moral compass is broken. The questions we need to ask are: How did this happen? And what can we do to fix it? It didn’t happen overnight, and neither will the solution. We need a battle plan to move forward.
Leftists tell us we’re not a Christian nation. But we were established on Christian principles, years before the Constitution was drafted. The Mayflower Compact of 1620 declared we would be God’s people and live by His laws. When we did our part, God did His: protecting our new nation. When we drifted, God sent two Great Awakenings to bring His people back to Him.
The Second Great Awakening was nearly 200 years ago. Why haven’t we experienced another one? There have been moves of God — the Azuza Street Revival, the Jesus Revolution of the 1960s and ‘70s, and the Charismatic Movement in the late '70s. There have been revivals here and there, but nothing that compares with earlier movements.
Think about what has transpired since the 1960s. First, prayer and then the Bible were taken out of our schools. This began the slow erosion of the culture and our morality. The '60s with sex, drugs, and rock 'n’ roll accelerated the moral decline. The ‘70s brought mainstream abortion and the homosexual movement. States voted for moral issues, but liberal courts threw out the will of the people.
We now have the transexual movement. Against thousands of years of history, many men and women today declare themselves the opposite of their sex at birth. We are told to celebrate their courage and pretend their delusion is true. We are also told to encourage children to believe that they are not the gender they were born as, and “experts” rush them through surgical mutilation, from which there’s no going back. Common sense went out the window!
Where is the Church? Nowhere to be found! Let me say this clearly: It’s easier to curse the darkness than it is to kindle a light. I am part of the Church, and if I’m not part of the solution, I’m part of the problem. I’ve experienced a lot of things in my life — enough things that I’m not going to be threatened into silence.
People can claim truth is whatever we say it is, but the Church is designed to be our moral compass. If we have a biblical worldview, which apparently only 6% of “Christians” have, discerning truth is not hard. We should simply ask, “What would Jesus do?” All the answers to what people say are difficult questions are not hard if we look at the life of Christ and His Word. The TRUTH is as plain as day.
Here’s where the hard part comes in: God will allow us to live as we choose. But He loves us so much that He will not remove the consequences of those choices. The spiritual warfare around the world has become much greater than it was when I became a Christian 50 years ago. As the battle intensified, many churches retreated within their own walls. Not willing to engage the enemy, they surrendered the cultural battlefield to Satan. Our children and grandchildren are paying the price for our lack of moral courage. It’s a fact.
I’m in the fourth quarter of life. In the first quarter, I lived for myself until I hit rock bottom. The second and third quarters were spent on the cultural battlefield, trying to rescue men and women from the bondage of addiction. The final quarter is now spent investing in a younger generation of leaders who are wiling to take the battle to Satan.
What are you doing to win this battle? Make your life count!
Something to pray about.Semper Fidelis