9/11 – Loose Change 2nd Edition


What really happened on September 11th, 2001? Was the United States Government directly responsible for the attacks in New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania? Was it an inside job? An event and a day many will never forget, but was it a conspiracy? Were there bombs in the towers? Can Jet fuel really soften steel​? Ask questions and demand answers.

The viral phenomenon is back and remastered in HD. A stunning analysis of the 9/11 attacks released late in 2005, Loose Change 2nd Edition went viral the following Spring and went on to be labeled “the first Internet blockbuster” by Vanity Fair.

“It’s fucking riveting!” -Kevin Smith, Director of Clerks

“The 9/11 movie Michael Moore should have made.” -Mike Malloy, Air America Host

Ending Song: REMO CONSCIOUS’ “Lies” www.remoconscous.com

To purchase LOOSE CHANGE 9/11, the 52-minute​ edition featuring Daniel Sunjata as narrator, click below!

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About the author

The man known as Bunker is Patriosity's Senior Editor in charge of content curation, conspiracy validation, repudiation of all things "woke", armed security, general housekeeping, and wine cellar maintenance.

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