The sons of “Duck Dynasty” patriarch and professing Christian Phil Robertson credited God for answering their prayers regarding their father’s improved condition amid battling Alzheimer’s disease.
“I just really believe now more than ever in the power of prayer, and you get as many people [as possible] praying for my dad, and we’re very grateful for that,” Jase Robertson, who appeared alongside his brother, Al, in a recent episode of “Relatable” with Blaze TV host and Christian conservative commentator, Allie Beth Stuckey.
“I was thinking that he only had a few days to live,” he recalled, prior to their family going public with the disease. “When we went public with it, I was amazed because I took my son down there, and he was like, ‘Well, he’s doing a lot better than I thought.'”
“This is the best I’ve seen him in months,” Jase said to his son, who hadn’t seen his grandfather due to other health issues, The Christian Post reports.
“I just chalked it up to answered prayer,” he said.
Regarding how their father is feeling physically or mentally, Al said, “There’s a spirit about him that’s at peace.”
Al Robertson, the eldest of the Robertson children, described his father’s…
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