The Healthcare Hoax

Source: Lew Rockwell | VIEW ORIGINAL POST ==>

Modern medicine…It isn’t organised to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.”―Ivan Illich

Doctors were making mistakes for thousands of years and sometimes the treatments were worse than the disease. However, in the late 19th century, things got exponentially worse with the onset of the modern medical system as we know it. In particular, the availability of drugs to entire populations has caused a trail of destruction so vast that most people have become oblivious to the ongoing catastrophe.

At this point there may be protests that the medico-pharmaceutical system has brought great overall benefits to our communities. People might suggest, “surely the huge improvements in our average life spans and various health metrics were the result of the interventions?” Unfortunately, that is not the case and there is no evidence that medical measures provide net benefits to the populationAs we have previously determined:

the 20th century’s celebrated medical triumphs such as vaccines and antibiotics could not be responsible for the improved health and survival metrics…the improvements came about when we addressed nutrition, hygiene and our living environments – in other words, the terrain.”

There are certainly occasions when limb and life saving procedures are performed by skilled doctors, or drugs like “synthetic” insulin are used to treat type I diabetes. However, such interventions make up only a tiny part of what takes place in the medical system. Mostly, it concerns itself with elective surgery, an increasing array of tests, and the dispensing of drugs to entire populations. It is a trillion-dollar business and its own survival has become its focus.

Having previously worked in the system, I can attest that it is not a case of doctors secretly going along with this monumental scam. Most of them are unaware that despite their extensive training, they have been seriously misled by the medical establishment’s claims about itself. I will openly concede that I was fooled by these fantastic claims that were parroted within the profession as supposedly undeniable facts.

Unfortunately, it can take the death of a loved one or personal suffering from an intervention to realise the dangers of the medical systemI recently interviewed Dr Leigh Willoughby, an anaesthetist who developed a life-threatening clot following the receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine. It woke her up to the fraud of the alleged COVID pandemic and the realisation it had been a staged fear campaign. However, equally shocking was her colleagues’ reluctance to accept she had a vaccine injury.

To add insult to the injury, the medical regulators started an “investigation” into her conduct after she went public with her story. Like my husband Dr Mark Bailey and I, Dr Willoughby elected not to cooperate with the Medical Council and had her name removed from the register. As I have previously written for the Canberra Daily, registered doctors are not permitted to speak openly to the public, particularly when it goes against industry (and government) narratives.

The modern medical system being jealously guarded by the “authorities” portrays itself as a cradle-to-grave programme of “health care”. For many individuals it starts on day one of their life with unnecessary blood tests and injections. As Dr Tom Cowan recently remarked:

“One of the most dangerous places for an otherwise well child is a paediatrician’s office. You’re more likely to get injured or suffer adverse consequences or events as a result of seeing a paediatrician or family doctor than just about anything else you could do.”

A feature of the current epoch is that a large proportion of our population has a feeling of dependence on this system. They have been conditioned to accept that it is normal to be labelled with a collection of diseases over time, many of which “require” long-term drugs. These illnesses are typically put down to age, bad “germs”, bad genes or simply bad luck. In other words, things that we cannot do much about.

The tragedy of such a narrative is that individuals become passive participants in a system that profits from their ongoing sickness. In fact, it is the belief in the system that is probably the most damaging factor at work, as Ivan Illich stated in his 1975 book, Medical Nemesis:

“More health damages are caused by the belief of people that they cannot cope with illness without modern medicines than by doctors who foist their ministrations on patients.”

The medical system is a patch up service and is best employed for those rare occasions involving emergencies or serious injuries.

Otherwise, it is not a pathway to true health and well being. In fact, it is a pathway to further ruin for our community and economy. The best outcomes can be achieved much more readily through the eternal wisdom of right thinking and right living.

Learning to be your own physician is a life lesson that can truly save your life.

Dr Sam Bailey is a medical author and health educator from New Zealand. Her books include Virus Mania, Terrain Therapy and The Final Pandemic.


7:00 pm on February 20, 2025

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The man known as Bunker is Patriosity's Senior Editor in charge of content curation, conspiracy validation, repudiation of all things "woke", armed security, general housekeeping, and wine cellar maintenance.

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