The Looming Food Crisis | Bards FM

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In this edition of the Bards of War podcast, Scott Kesterson details several points of concern regarding the undeniable diminishing in the supply and quality of our food, not just here in America but across the planet. It’s too easy to be distracted by relative trifles and lose sight of the fundamentals of life, such as keeping body and soul together. The supply chain issues we have all seen in the stores will not go away so long as our incompetent and corrupt politicians and bureaucrats continue to argue and do nothing of substance to improve the lives of the citizenry. I personally am of the opinion that government and the vast majority of those who work within it do not ultimately care whether we live or die, despite their lofty rhetoric.

The government, by and large, has never and will never do anything well, particularly when it comes to solving problems. As individuals and families, we all would fare better to look to God for guidance and to one another for assistance as we recall, relearn and master the ancient skills of self-sufficiency.

Bards FM: The Looming Food Crisis

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About the author

The man known as Bunker is Patriosity's Senior Editor in charge of content curation, conspiracy validation, repudiation of all things "woke", armed security, general housekeeping, and wine cellar maintenance.

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